Carcassonne Wiki
Carc Labyrinth

The two Labyrinth tiles

The Labyrinth is a Carcassonne expansion, released in 2016. It is a singular tile expansion, and one of the only expansions to have a new and old version. The tile connects four roads, and combines them into one. But, the scoring and meeple placing for the tile is different. Despite the Labyrinth tile connecting the four roads, you may place a meeple on one end of the road or the Labyrinth tile itself, even if there is a meeple on another "side" of the road. Once all four ends of the road are completed, whoever has the most meeples on the whole road scores 1 point per tile, like a normal road, plus 2 points extra per meeple on the road, no matter whose meeple it is. For a tie on the number of meeples on the Labyrinth and the roads surrounding it, the "normal" points (1 per tile) are split between the people, but every person receives the full two points per follower, not split.
