Carcassonne Wiki

Carcassonne has produced numerous large, small, and promotional expansions. All but the promotional should be available in local game stores with the rules in the local language. Most of the mini expansions have been compiled into box sets to provide a better method of purchase for the consumer.

Large Expansions[]

  1. Inns & Cathedrals (2002)
  2. Traders & Builders (2003)
  3. Princess & Dragon (2005)
  4. The Tower (2006)
  5. Abbey & Mayor (2007)
  6. Count, King & Robber (2008)
  7. The Catapult (2008)
  8. Bridges, Castles and Bazaars (2010)
  9. Hills & Sheep (2014)
  10. Under the Big Top (2017)

Alternate Base[]

  1. Wheel of Fortune (2009)


Spielbox expansions[]


